Indoor Kitchen Cup Golf Classic

Things you will need:

  • Colored construction paper
  • 9 paper plates (preferably Chinet lunch plates)
  • Glue stick
  • 9 small paper triangles numbered 1 to 9.
  • 9 pipe cleaners
  • Pushpin (optional)
  • Masking Tape
  • Kitchen utensils – wooden spoon, spatula
  • 1 small ball per player – a bouncy ball or foam golf ball is best.

The Setup:

To make the greens, cut a paper circle to cover the bottom of each plate, glue the circles in place and then cut out a hole (suggest using a yogurt lid as a template).

For the flags, glue the paper triangles to the pipe cleaners.  Poke a hole in each plate, then insert the first two inches of each pipe cleaner in the hole and then bend it against the underside of the plate, then tape it in place.

Position the plates around the house to make a challenging golf course – under a chair, at the foot of the stairs, or behind the dog’s water bowl.  Mark the tees with masking tape.

How to Play:

Players take turns selecting a few clubs each from the kitchen utensil drawer.  Just like in traditional miniature golf, players move through the holes in numerical order and keep score by counting the number of strokes it takes to get their balls in each cup.  A further suggestion is to cut down a yogurt cup and place inside the hole of the paper plate.

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